dearest fellow spirits: Since earliest childhood, I have been able to 'see' into other Dimensions of Life and Light. Inwardly, I communicated with very loving "unseen friends" but learned early on, that no one would accept these things as real, so I locked them away in my heart. Through the years, the visions and telepathy increased in number and intensity. Then my world was turned right-side-up when the Master Jesus instructed me in a vision that I was to write a book. How could a simple woman, born the fifth child In a family of eight children in the Southwest suburb of Chicago called Joliet, Illinois, even contemplate such an important task? Who would believe Lourene Altiery, as I was named, was receiving communications from ascended Masters?
But, with perseverance
learned from experiencing
life's challenges in the days following the Depression, I started
writing. The ensuing years would mold my destiny as designed
by Heaven. I have stayed the course, and my book is my loving gift
to you. |